
Inspired by Blackwell & Ruth’s 200 Women Who Will Change The Way You See The World (2017) and with the blessing of Ruth and Geoff, 50 Women from Nepal Who Will Change the Way You See the World is about the power of stories. In a world where we increasingly need to hear, connect and learn from each other, 50 Women from Nepal provides original interviews, asking the same six, seemingly simple, questions alongside photographic portraits. It is a platform for women’s voices through the lens of a country which is often perceived as poor but which is bursting with incredible women who are changing the conversations around global issues of relevance to us all.

After being involved in the 200 Women project and seeing 4 Nepali women star alongside some of the world’s biggest stars, the editors were stirred by an idea. Why don’t we do a ’50 Women from Nepal’ version to showcase some of the amazing women in Nepal? The world needs to hear their stories to connect us on issues which affect us all; Nepali girls and women need to hear their stories to give them hope.
